Preparing educational television program

Description: Preparing the educational television program "Down to Earth" with New Trier High School students and Ernest Roscoe, Raymond Foundation with Mrs. Penny Kneipper, a sixth grade teacher in Wilmette. The Audio Visual [AV] project filmed with movie cameras, microphones and two student moderators. Charles Knight mural, Dimetrodon [CK45T] on wall in background, fossil exhibits in Hall 38.
Attribution: (c) Field Museum of Natural History
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  • Photo Archives
Date: Created 29 Nov 1967
Physical Size and Format: 120 b/w negative
Citation: (c) Field Museum of Natural History. (accessed on 29 Oct 2021)
Supplementary files available
Preparing the educational television program "Down to Earth" with New Trier High School students and Ernest Roscoe, Raymond Foundation with Mrs. Penny Kneipper, a sixth grade teacher in Wilmette. The Audio Visual [AV] project filmed with movie cameras, microphones and two student moderators.  Charles Knight mural, Dimetrodon [CK45T] on wall in background, fossil exhibits in Hall 38.