Exhibit preparators

Description: Exhibit preparators Left to Right: Daryl Van Essen, Hector Gonzalez, Intern Chad Tyler, Matthew Groves. Evolving Planet exhibit production staff preparators standing by Parasaurolophus skeleton and covered in plastic, Charles Knight paintings of Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs CK13AT and Upper Cretaceous Seas CK24_1T. Daryl Van Essen, Hector Gonzalez, Chad Tyler, Matthew Groves
Attribution: (c) Field Museum of Natural History
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  • Photo Archives
  • Exhibitions
  • Photographer: John Weinstein : Field Museum of Natural History - Photography Division
Date: Created 12 Dec 2005
Citation: Courtesy of: J. Weinstein. (c) Field Museum of Natural History. https://mm.fieldmuseum.org/7bdf8bad-5fc4-4f2d-bf1d-cc13c83beea9 (accessed on 19 Sep 2022)
Supplementary files available
Exhibit preparators Left to Right: Daryl Van Essen, Hector Gonzalez, Intern Chad Tyler, Matthew Groves. Evolving Planet exhibit production staff preparators standing by Parasaurolophus skeleton and covered in plastic, Charles Knight paintings of Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs CK13AT and Upper Cretaceous Seas CK24_1T.   Daryl Van Essen, Hector Gonzalez, Chad Tyler, Matthew Groves