116027 painting

Description: Christian Madonna and child painting. He wears a chinese robe, his hair is tied in his arm is a Chinese book, probably a translation of the Bible. for the past 400 years, a small Christian minority has worshipped in China. Child giving Guanyin, Tang Yin, 1470 - 1524, Ming Dynasty hanging scroll, paper and pigment
Attribution: (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
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  • Library
  • Photo Archives
  • Anthropology
Date: Circa 1911
Citation: (c) Field Museum of Natural History. CC BY-NC 4.0. https://mm.fieldmuseum.org/c0cbe602-acf3-44c8-a0e1-e9cf62e65414 (accessed on 08 Sep 2022)
Associated Catalog Number(s)
  • 116027.nosub[1]
Taxon Coverage
  • 54B2501C: China: Ch'in-modern: paintings: originals: Ming dynasty
Christian Madonna and child painting. He wears a chinese robe, his hair is tied in his arm is a Chinese book, probably a translation of the Bible. for the past 400 years, a small Christian minority has worshipped in China.  Child giving Guanyin, Tang Yin, 1470 - 1524, Ming Dynasty hanging scroll, paper and pigment