210355 Catalog Card

Description: scan of catalog card [FRONT] [MAIN BODY] Chicago Natural History Museum - Ethnology | 22-3 | Provenience: Benin, Nigeria | People or Culture: Bini | Object: Plaque | Material: Bronze | Description: Plaque depicting the figure of a chief wearing a coral-bead cap from which hang strings of beads. In his right hand- a stick. Photo on reverse side | Dimensions: (in cm.) Ht. 40.0; w. 17.1 | Collection: Fuller Collection: presented by Mrs. A.W.F. Fuller, 13 November 1963 [LEFT MARGIN] A | ENT | 210355 | Field No. 251 R. 0/67 | Neg. No. | Acc. 2815 [BACK] [PHOTOGRAPH]
Attribution: (c) Field Museum of Natural History - CC BY-NC 4.0
How we are licensing our collections data and images
  • Anthropology
  • Scanner: Mr. Ryan Gross : Field Museum of Natural History - Anthropology
  • Project leader: Mr. Christopher J. Philipp : Field Museum of Natural History - Anthropology
  • Transcriber: Julia W. Kennedy : Field Museum of Natural History - Anthropology Collections
Physical Size and Format: PDF document
Citation: Courtesy of: R. Gross, C. J. Philipp, J. W. Kennedy. (c) Field Museum of Natural History. CC BY-NC 4.0. https://mm.fieldmuseum.org/d2ac07e7-aab4-4a84-a4ed-3420776ed048 (accessed on 31 Jul 2023)
Associated Catalog Number(s)
  • 210355.nosub[1]
Taxon Coverage
  • 2203: West Africa: carvings, castings: metal