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You searched for: charles+knight. 231 records found.

Cave Bear Cenozoic era. Painting by Charles R. Knight.
Cave Bear
Other numbers
  • CK28T
  • GE578
Ordovician Period Paleozoic sea beach. Painting by Charles R. Knight.
Ordovician Period
Other numbers
  • CSGEO63042
  • GE557
Stegosaurus Mesozoic. Painting by Charles R. Knight.
Other numbers
  • CSGEO63225
  • GE568
Late or Upper Cretaceous Dinosaurs Mesozoic. Helmet-crested Corythosaurus, submerged in water, a herd of long-crested Parasaurolophus, heavily armored Palaeoscincus, based on a specimen of Panoplosaurus, ostrichlike Struthiomimus, and flat-headed hadrosaur Edmontosaurus. Charles R. Knight, the artist, gives an animated effect to the Parasaurolophus by showing individual heads lowering to feed on submerged water vegetation. Installed 1931.
Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs
Other numbers
  • CSGEO66186
  • GE563
Whales of the Eocene Seas. Restoration of the primitive whale. Basilosaurus [Zeuglodon] Painting by Charles R. Knight 1925.
Other numbers
  • CSGEO67151_A
  • GE570
Late or Upper Cretaceous Seas Mesozoic; Charles R. Knight painting or mural. Marine reptiles monstrous lizard Tylosaurus; giant turtle Protostega, flying reptile Pteranodon.
Upper Cretaceous Seas
Other numbers
  • CK24T
  • GE565
American Mastodons Cenozoic era. Restoration Painting [mural] by Charles R. Knight
American Mastodons
Other numbers
  • CK29T
  • GE576
Small four toed horses of the genus Orohippus and the much larger, but harmless Uintatherium of the Eocene. Charles R. Knight painting or mural, installed 1931.
Other numbers
  • CK46T
  • GE571
Pliocene Rhinoceros, Mastodonts, Oreodonts Charles R. Knight painting. Four-tusked mastodon Trilophodon (in the center), and the rhinoceros Teleoceras (on the left), which lived on the Great Plains of North America at the close of the Miocene Cenozoic period (about fifteen million years ago) on the banks of a broad and shallow river near the close of the Miocene period, fifteen million years ago. The small animals at the right are oreodonts or contemporary pig-like animals. From a mural painting by Mr, Charles H. Knight.
An early Pliocene panorama
Other numbers
  • CK41T
  • GE574
Ordovician Sea Life, two billion years ago, volcanic activity widespread, shows beached seaweed, trilobites and cephalopods from the ocean. Cenozoic; Charles R. Knight painting or mural Fossil invertebrate
Ordovician Sea Life
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  • CK23BT
  • GE557
T. rex (tyrannosaurus) and Triceratops Mesozoic; Charles Knight painting or mural. This is unequivocally Knight's most influential work, the classic confrontation between the horned dinosaur Triceratops and its deadly adversary Tyrannosaurus.
T. rex and Triceratops
Other numbers
  • CSGEO63217
  • GE567
Giant Moas of New Zealand. Dinornis, Great extinct bird. Cenozoic Era. Restoration painting by Charles R. Knight, shown on a cart before installation.
Giant Moas
Other numbers
  • CSGEO55561
  • GE582
Brontosaurus [Apatosaurus excelsus] Jurassic Mesozoic. Painting by Charles R. Knight. Signed Chas. R. Knight 1930.
Other numbers
  • CSGEO71157
  • GE566
Earliest records of earth life found in Proterozoic era deposited sediments one and one half billion years ago. Fossils are believed to be lime secretions of minute single celled plants, similar to some of the algae that live in hot springs today. Pre-cambrian or precambrian. Study painting or sketch signed by Charles R. Knight [Chas. R. Knight '27 [1927]] shows nails on either side holding the painting up.
Study painting
Other numbers
  • CSGEO59024
  • GE556 [final painting]
Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs Mesozoic. Helmet-crested Corythosaurus, submerged in water, a herd of long-crested Parasaurolophus, heavily armored Palaeoscincus, based on a specimen of Panoplosaurus, ostrichlike Struthiomimus, and flat-headed hadrosaur Edmontosaurus.  Charles R. Knight, the artist, gives an animated effect to the Parasaurolophus by showing individual heads lowering to feed on submerged water vegetation. Installed 1931.
Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs
Other numbers
  • CK13AT
  • GE563
Wooly Mammoth, Charles Knight murals on exhibit display in Hall 26, DNA to Dinosaurs Teeth Tusks and Tar pits Geology specimen P12339
Wooly Mammoth
Other numbers
  • GEO85875_7c
  • P12339
Giant Ground Sloth, Nearly elephant size Megatherium and two types of armadillo like glyptodons, spiked tailed Doedicurus and Glyptodon. Charles R. Knight painting or mural. preinstallation, the mural is on a panel cart, Hall 38 windows visible in background
Giant Ground Sloth
Other numbers
  • CSGEO68656
  • GE575
American Mastodons Cenozoic era. Mural painting preinstallation. Signed by Charles R. Knight [Chas. R. Knight '28 [1928]].
American Mastodons
Other numbers
  • CSGEO59396
  • GE576
Small four toed horses of the genus Orohippus and the much larger, but harmless Uintatherium of the Eocene. Charles R. Knight painting or mural, installed 1931.
Four toed horses
Other numbers
  • CSGEO75015
  • GE571
Woolly Mammoths Cenozoic era. Painting by Charles R. Knight. Preinstallation, Hall 38 windows visible. Mural.
Other numbers
  • CSGEO68655
  • GE577