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You searched for: charles+knight. 231 records found.

Evolving Planet Board of Trustees and VIPs Celebration, in Evolving Planet exhibit, Charles Knight murals in the background.
Evolving Planet event
Other numbers
  • GN90844_102d
Board of Trustees and VIPs Celebration, in Evolving Planet exhibit, Pete Makovicky and others standing near the Charles Knight painting of Proterozoic era (CK23AT)
Evolving Planet event
Other numbers
  • GN90844_009d
Board of Trustees and VIPs Celebration, in Evolving Planet exhibit, Pete Makovicky and others standing near the Charles Knight painting of Proterozoic era (CK23AT)
Evolving Planet event
Other numbers
  • GN90844_010d
Platygonus, Charles Knight painting or sketch 1904, AMNH maybe? Hall 38 Case 19.2
Other numbers
  • GEO80067
  • PM56041
Elotherium Charles Knight painting AMNH Hall 38 Geology specimen PM59042
Other numbers
  • GEO80066
  • PM59042
Chalk drawing or sketch of Bushman, male gorilla, Lincoln Park Zoo Chicago.  By artist Charles R. Knight.
Bushman by Knight
Other numbers
  • GN90461
Chalk drawing or sketch of Bushman, the Lincoln Park Zoo gorilla.  By artist Charles R. Knight.
Bushman by Knight
Other numbers
  • GN90460
Mural of photos: Panda, Malvina Hoffman, Charles Knight, Charles A. Corwin
Mural of photos
Other numbers
  • GN78564
The Mesozoic Era was the age of reptiles.  Fossil Crocodiles and Turtles. Charles Knight mural of    Late or Upper Cretaceous Seas [GE565] Hall 29 Jurassic Evolving Planet. Partial documentation of completed installation of exhibit.
Mesozoic Era
Other numbers
  • GN90846d_H29_JUCR17
  • EX-2006.1
Stanley Field, Clifford C. Gregg, and John Ladd of New York City, the 20,000,000th visitor, in Field's office. Ladd was given a gift of a miniature Malvina Hoffman bronze sculpture of a Vedda woman.  In background of office is the Charles R. Knight Irish Deer study painting on wall and (barely visible) Carl Akeley miniature bronze sculpture of elephants on table with several photographs, behind them.
Stanley Field
Other numbers
  • GN78415
Aberdeen Angus Bull, Black Knight of Auchterarder. Bronze sculptures of British Champion animals, by Herbert Haseltine. Hall 12
Aberdeen Angus Bulls
Other numbers
  • Z78431