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You searched for: charles+knight. 231 records found.

Rancho La Brea Tar Pools (Smilodon) Cenozoic; Charles Knight painting or mural.  A Pleistocene panorama set at a pitch pool in California.  Shown large bird Teratornis, Sabertooth cat Smilodon, and an extinct species of horse.
Rancho La Brea Tar Pools
Other numbers
  • CK8T
  • GE579
Rancho La Brea Tar Pools (Smilodon) Cenozoic; Charles Knight painting or mural. A Pleistocene panorama set at an asphalt pitch pool in Los Angeles California. Large bird Teratornis, sabertooth cat Smilodon, and an extinct species of horse. Preinstallation, not installed, windows of Hall 38 in background, the painting is on the floor.
Rancho La Brea Tar Pools
Other numbers
  • CSGEO72378
  • GE579
Triceratops and T. rex (tyrannosaurus) Mesozoic. Charles Knight painting or mural. This is unequivocally Knight's most influential work, the classic confrontation between the horned dinosaur Triceratops and its deadly adversary Tyrannosaurus.
T. rex and Triceratops
Other numbers
  • CK9T
  • GE567
  • 30781
  • 5966
Giant Moas and Emus. Dinornis, Great extinct bird. Cenozoic Era. Restoration Painting by Charles R. Knight. Mural.
Other numbers
  • CK32T
  • GE582
Irish Deer (Elk?), Megaloceros. Cenozoic era. Charles R. Knight. Study painting
Irish Deer (Elk
Other numbers
  • GEO85013c
Miocene Plains Mammals, Cenozoic; Long-necked camel Oxydactylus, two-horned rhinoceros Menoceras, 3 (three) toed horse Parahippus, giant pig Dinohyus, Mammal with claws, Moropus, mid to late 20th century. Mural painting by Charles R. Knight.
Miocene Plains Mammals
Other numbers
  • CSGEO73797
  • GE572
Detail from Miocene Plains Mammals Cenozoic era. Painting by Charles R. Knight, GE572. Copy of newspaper article, not the FM image.
Miocene Plains Mammals
Other numbers
  • CSGEO71637_A
Evolving Planet completed installation of exhibit. Birds are dinosaurs section. Charles Knight mural paintings of Primitive Birds and Reptiles, and T. rex and Triceratops. Windows facing east.
Evolving Planet exhibit
Other numbers
  • GN90846_128d
  • GE567
Short-faced bear skeleton, Arctodus simus, mastodon skeleton. Pleistocene Epoch. Charles Knight murals in background, LaBrea Tar Pools, Mastodon, Irish Deer. Evolving Planet completed installation of exhibit. Large mammals skeletons section
Evolving Planet exhibit
Other numbers
  • GN90846_173d
  • EX-2006.1
Permian Reptiles and Amphibians. Paleozoic Pelycosaur skeletons: Dimetrodon, Edaphosaurus, Casea. Charles R. Knight painting or mural [CK45T]. An Egg Held the Key to Diversity. Evolving Planet completed installation of exhibit.
Permian Reptiles, Knight
Other numbers
  • GN90846_071d
  • EX-2006.1
Parasaurolophus skeleton. Evolving Planet completed installation of exhibit. Mesozoic Era was the Age of Reptiles. Charles Knight murals
Other numbers
  • GN90846_133d
  • EX-2006.1
Triceratops skull, Ceratopsians, Charles Knight mural of Protoceratops and Its Eggs, overall view of section. Evolving Planet completed installation of exhibit.
Triceratops skull. Evolving
Other numbers
  • GN90846_138d
  • EX-2006.1
Short-faced bear skeleton, Arctodus simus. Pleistocene Epoch. Fossil skeletons of Mastodon, Mammoth, Bison, Cave Bear. Charles Knight mural of Woolly Mammoth in background. Evolving Planet completed installation of exhibit. Large mammals skeletons section
Fossil mammal skeletons
Other numbers
  • GN90846_168d
  • EX-2006.1
obverse view
203998 Charles Knight Cap Blanc painting
Other numbers
  • A-24457
  • 203998
obverse view
204000 Charles Knight Swiss Lake painting
Other numbers
  • A-24457
  • 204000
obverse view
203997 Charles Knight Le Moustier painting
Other numbers
  • A-24457
  • 203997
Cropped detail, painting of Manteoceras and Dolichorhinus by Charles R. Knight, modified by John Conrad Hansen and text label for Hornless Titanotheres. [Chas. R. Knight modified by Hansen in lower left corner] From Hornless Titanotheres, Hall 38 Case 33.
Manteoceras and Dolichorhinus
Other numbers
  • GEO80139_painting_and_label
  • PM75144
T. rex (tyrannosaurus) and Triceratops Mesozoic; Copy of painting by Charles R. Knight. Not an FM image.
T. rex
Other numbers
  • CSGEO65936
  • GE567
Whales of the Eocene Seas. Restoration of the primitive whale. Basilosaurus [Zeuglodon] Cenozoic Era Eocene Period Copy of painting by Charles R. Knight, 1925. Not an FM image.
Other numbers
  • CSGEO65935
  • GE570
Sultan Seidou Njoya Njimouluh and Queen Ramatou Ngamdomboue, tribal rulers from Cameroon, Africa touring Museum with Lee Webber, standing in Hall 38 near Charles Knight murals.
Sultan Seidou Njoya
Other numbers
  • GN79942